Monday, July 2, 2012

Hcg Diet Phase 3 - Day 2 & 3

I went out for dinner with the family this evening. We went to Red Robin. I LOVE Red Robin burgers, and now that they have lettuce wrapped burgers, it is a perfect restaurant for phase 3! I had a Teriyaki Chicken Burger with a side salad. On the burger I had Swiss cheese, pineapple and mustard. I held off on the teriyaki sauce, even though it's my favourite, because I'm sure it's loaded with sugar! It was so yum! I wish I had taken a picture of my meal, oh well, maybe if I go again.

This morning I woke up late, so I ended up not eating much for breakfast, then at lunch also. I was really hungry for dinner, then of course I was hungry in the evening! I ended up eating another lettuce wrapped burger(leftovers from last nights dinner) because I was too hungry not to eat something. Tomorrow I will DEFINITELY eat a bigger breakfast. It's funny though, because I was just standing there in the kitchen wondering what on earth I could eat. Normally I would have gone for crackers or cereal. Oh the dilemma! Ha ha...I guess I will just have to make up some baggies of healthy things I can snack on if I'm really hungry.

Yesterday I found this recipe for P3 friendly pancakes. Of course I had to try them! They were super good. They kind of remind me more of a crepe, but better. I found the batter to be a tad thin and a bit hard to flip. I got better towards the end of my batches(I made enough for my whole family). Everyone loved them! I plan to make them again tomorrow, with a bit of coconut flower in them to make them a bit thicker. I used some E.D Smith, sugar free(it had a bit of sucralose) maple syrup for a little extra sweetness on top, served with fresh strawberries.

makes 4-5 pancakes (one serving)

2 eggs
2 oz cream cheese
1 tbsp ground flax seed
1-2 packets powdered stevia
cinnamon to taste

*UPDATE* I tried making these again with a tbsp of coconut flour. They were a bit thicker and easier to work with. Absolutely delicious!

Blend everything in a blender or magic bullet. Pour some of the batter onto a hot pan(med heat) slowly, in whatever sized portion you want to end up with. Wait until the top looks almost cooked before you flip. This won't take long as they are fairly thin. The other side will then only take about 30 sec. to finish cooking(or at least mine did). Top with fresh fruit and enjoy!

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