Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hcg Phase 2 - Day 10

Today marks my 10th day on phase 2 of the Hcg diet. So far I am quite pleased with the results. I woke up this morning and was down 0.5 lb. Not the greatest loss, but it wasn't zero so I'm happy! I've lost about 12 lbs off my starting weight(14 lbs including the weight I gained and then lost from the loading days) and I'm feeling pretty happy about that. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of this week brings me in terms of weight loss.

So far I have found this diet to be really quite easy. I know what I have to do everyday. I have a set plan for my meals and what I can and cannot eat, and that seems to make things so much simpler. And in my opinion, makes it a lot less easy to cheat! I haven't cheated and I'm quite proud of myself for that. The only thing I've found hard is when we are going to be eating with other people. Planning my daughters 4th birthday hasn't been easy either. I've kind of been putting things off because I can't figure out what to have as a meal. Since there is gong to be 3 of us that are on this diet(my sister and sister-in-law, read her blog here) that makes it a little bit easier, but I still don't want to sit in a room with a bunch of people eating chips and goodies! Things I would LOVE to have right now! So I made a decision not to have any of that at the party. With the exception of my daughters birthday cake, there will be almost only healthy options. That way if one of us does end up 'cheating', it might be on a piece of fruit or veggie. Not such a big deal in my opinion. The party is on Sunday, which is also Fathers Day, so we will be doing both on the same day. We will see how Sunday goes with all the temptations. Check back on Sunday to find out!

For Breakfast I had an apple and green tea.

For lunch I had chicken taco salad. Recipe here.

For dinner I had my Teriyaki chicken stir fry. It was so good last night, I just had to make it again!

Strawberries for my evening snack!


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